Monday, February 13, 2006

Strange Food Culture

I finally found a backery on my way from work that sells pretzels. This is what I used to buy as my afterwork snack in Germany. The pretzels are a bit bigger than the ones sold in Germany and bit more expensive. But the difference is that before I could get my hands on it was MICROWAVED. Do you do this to bread? Do you microwave bread? No.

Tonight, me and Anna, one of my Russian friends here in New York went to DTUT. DTUT is a pretty hip coffee lounge which serves coffee, offers nice chairs and couches, and caramel fondue! The weird thing about the place they serve coffee in beer mugs! Do you do this to a fine beer mug? No.

Clearly, New Yorkers love Bavarian culture (Brezel and Beer Mugs)... They are just lost in translation.


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