Wednesday, June 14, 2006

MBA not Manager ;)

Its done. Its over. Commencement, graduation parties, grades are out... On one hand its really sad that the two years of grad school are over and now I have to join work force again, but on the other hand there is a huge feeling of accomplishment. I have a great GPA (Notendurchschnitt), a great job and an advanced degree. But am so sad to leave New York :(((

I am now just hanging out and going to every party and every concert I can sneak into. Some of my friends are leaving everyday to go home to their respective countries, but most of them are staying to chase the American Dream. (By now I believe that business schools in the States are a two-year attempts to mold any foreign souls into clay that American dreams are made of. They are good at it. I succumbed.)

Anyways, there are some pictures. The ones with Cap&Gown (very very cool American thing) were taken at Madison Square Garden. That's where I had my commencement ceremony (Abschlussrede) with other 3 000 graduates. The other pictures were taken at the graduation party of the smaller Honors MBA Program (~46 people).

Enjoy and make comments!

P.S. First person to recognize what book I am referring to in the title of this blog will receive my used book "How to interview as a Top MBA" signed by me :)))


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very proud of you….. Congratulation on this great accomplishment!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Jula Walker said...

Thanks, its not "i am a man and not a boy"... Keep guessing!

4:37 PM  
Blogger Jula Walker said...

You got it :) It was too easy :)

11:53 PM  
Blogger Random Walk Capital said...

Congratulations and all the best!
Andreas Cseh
Method Media AB Sweden

3:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Juliane!

GRATULATIONS! ich wußte zwar, das Eva und Du zwei "besondere" Studentinnen seid, aber "so mal eben" einen MBA in USA dranzuhängen ist schon super! Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg beim zweiten Start in das Berufsleben!



8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Julie, meinen Glückwunsch, viel Erfolg & alles Gute!! Hast schon eine tolle Leistung abgeliefert. Aber das haben wir ja eh von Dir erwartet... ;-) Wann besuchst Du denn Good Old Germany mal wieder? LG von Wü nach NY City!!

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Julie, meinen Glückwunsch, viel Erfolg & alles Gute!! Hast schon eine tolle Leistung abgeliefert. Aber das haben wir ja eh von Dir erwartet... ;-) Wann besuchst Du denn Good Old Germany mal wieder? LG von Wü nach NY City!!

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meinen Glückwunsch zum MBA!!
Hätte auch gern mal einen solchen Hut getragen und ihn anschließend mit vielen anderen in die Luft geschworfen...NEID !!!
Gruß, bis bald mal wieder in deutschen Landen - BODO

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Juliane, das sieht ganz stark aus! Ein toller Erfolg! Con-GREAT-ulations!
Weiter so!
Auf ein Wiedersehen, irgendwo, may be in SW.
Wolfgang Vieweg

6:08 PM  

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