Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dork or not?

Last night after the movie we went to a bar with my colleagues. And I felt like I was from Mars. Anything I referred to, they did not know. Layer Cake, Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Clive Owen, X-Men, Wolverine, Grey’s Anatomy, digg.com, Fantasy Football, Google Page Rank. Is that because I spend two years in the U.S. or is that because I am a dork and pay attention to things that do not matter to “normal” people?

Is something wrong with me or is something wrong with them? According to NPR news podcast, people between 20 and 30 should be extremely tech savvy and extremely flexible. So I should be OK then, right? So it’s them. They are the ones who need a little help in terms of “today”. I feel like a Geisterfahrer (=motorist driving against the traffic on motorways) who believes that he is only one driving in the right direction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

but at least you have a dork-friend!!!!

11:21 AM  

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