Recently I have been accused of being greedy and compared to Gekko Gordon. Because I want to be in private equity and because I want to make lots of money. The concept of private equity has been discussed broadly in Germany lately at ALL levels. One politician decided to score some points in a long lost election campaign and called private equity people "locusts" (
German="Heuschrecken"). They are responsible for the high unemployment rate in Germany - 10%(compared to 5% in the US) because the come and destroy companies by firing people (also called "streamlining" in business schools). They do all this because they are all GREEDY.
Supposedly, I am greedy because I want to work for them. Hmmm... Well frankly, may be its true. But at least I don't want to be compared to Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas in "Wall Sreet") - much rather to Thomas Crown(Pierce Brosnan in "Thomas Crown Affair"). Both movies are about reckless and filthy rich business men in some sort of M&A business. Well in Michael Douglas case its cruel and in Pierce Brosnan case its just cool and dandy. Its all about the attitude, right?
yeaaa... my parties will be legendary. everyone who believes in me is invited :)
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