Network, network and network. They say its the key. Yesterday was my networking day.
11am Started off with an interview at on campus which lasted only 20 minutes but drained me as if it lasted 3 hours. Am being very professional.
Result: 1 business card.
12:30pm - 4:30pmI moved on to another event at
Hudson hotel where some students from "emerging countries" are supposed to meet some high level executives from a big energy and petrochemicals company. We were treated to an amazing lunch. The hotel is kind of plain looking from the outside, but this is one swanky place. In a very urban cool kind of way, not your average luxury. I answered a couple of basic questions about Kazakhstan and got
2 business cards. You never know.
5:30m - 11ishFeeling a little tired I decided to skip class and go to a Fulbright reception instead and may be meet some new and existing Fulbrighters that just arrived. Sure enough it was a great party and I met some really interesting people: Greek psychologist, Russian philosopher, Russian Criminologist, Uzbek teacher and an Dutch architect. People are getting more interesting by each the glass of wine that I am indulging. Slowly losing my professionalism and trying to be funny.
Result: 1 business card but tons of contacts. 11ish- open endNot feeling my feet but determined to test my body's limits I am off to the Mercury Bar and met with more friends. Somewhere after the first drink and arriving at home I completely lost my professionalism and was just hanging out with my friends.
Business cards: 0TOTAL: somewhat 14 hours of non-stop schmoozing and getting to know people from different backgrounds. Lets see where this networking thing is going. Am having fun so far.