Friday, July 28, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
How is Wolfgangsee like Des Moines
When I came to New York two years ago, I did not know many people and felt a bit out of place even though I really wanted to be there no matter what. Three weeks after arrival I practically ran away to see a friend of mine in Des Moines in Iowa. The only thing I wanted is to be around someone who cares about me and makes me feel better about myself.
As announced three weeks ago, I have returned to Munich. The circumstances are a bit sad. Mom is really sick. Shawn is very far. New York is very far. I do have some friends from before but I still feel really out of place. This is why last weekend I ran away to see a familiar face in Wolfgangsee in Austria. We spent some time together, and magically, I felt better. Frankly, if she had time to see me in Timbuktu, at this point I would have done it.
So, those two places are the same for me. Both places in the middle of nowhere with a friendly face whom takes a couple of days to make me feel good :)
P.S. Can anyone guess who those two people are that I visited?
Sunday, July 09, 2006
And... I am back
I returned to Munich to start my traineeship with a German bank that recently has been taken over by an Italian bank. On one hand I am happy to be back on the other its sad to leave NY. NY is an unique place to be and not many cities around the world can compete.
However, its nice to be back in the summer : Munich's Biergardens and lots of cafes are very inviting.
There is of course the issue of a massive culture shock, but I guess it will not be as bad as the one I went through when I was 15 and my parents decided to move from then Sovjet Union to West Germany :)
Sunday, July 02, 2006
My going away party

Well, my going away party was fantastic!!! I have invited tons of people and 35 decided to join me at a Korean BBQ and later at a bar. I was so happy that I forgot that as the host I really should not be drinking that much. Well parts of the party are going in and out in my memory, but the important part was that I was happy.
Thanks all of you for being there!!!!!
Here are some pics
Love Juliane