Party Pics Update
:: RANDOM PARTY PICS from GERMANY :: I added a couple of pictures here
A very interesting blog entry from someone who spent some time in Germany and the US.
"... what Germany and the United States could learn from each other. (In no particular order.)..."
How much bad luck can I have????? Its RAINING in New York.... After 2,5 months of rain and cold weather of 15 Degrees Celsius (=60 Degrees Fahrenheit) in Munich I am finding myself for one day in nice and sunny Central Park. But only for one day since today and next couple of days it is supposed to rain... Wow, by the time skys clear up school will start back up....
Flying British Airways right after strike was not that bad. The personnel was supernice and trying to explain that all that they have to offer for drinks is a tap water which was little difficult for some ladies to understand. They were passing out little lunch boxes at the gate to munch on in the plane since there was no other food aboard. I was thankful there were no delays after all and I made it back in time to meet my friends at the bar.
Not again. Leaving and saying goodbye is painful. The show must go on and I am going back to New York. Am super sad to leave my family and friends behind.